Any active domain name that's added in a hosting account features a number of records which allow it to function properly. In the typical case, the name servers (NS records) show the location where the domain is hosted and they are set on the side of the registrar company, but on the lower level there are specific records set through the hosting company such as A (IP address of the website/server), MX (e mail server), SRV (employing an Internet domain for non-website purposes on a particular port number like Voice-over-IP), and many others. With access to these records and by having the capacity to modify them, you may have your web site with company A and your e-mail messages with company B, for instance. This gives you more freedom since you can pick the best provider for each of these services and you don't have to stick to a single company. As soon as you pick a hosting company, you have to make sure that you can access all DNS records freely as some providers have an extra fee for this feature.

Full DNS Management in Shared Web Hosting

With each and every shared web hosting that we offer you are able to set up, remove or change any DNS record for any Internet domain or subdomain hosted in your account easily. The Hepsia Control Panel that we provide with the shared accounts includes a simple and intuitive tool which will allow you to see all existing records and set up new ones with just several mouse clicks. You're going to be able to create A, MX, CNAME, TXT, SRV or AAAA records, which will offer you total control over your domain addresses plus the chance to choose the company which will provide you with a given service. For example, if your site is on our leading-edge cloud platform, it will take a couple of mouse clicks to point your e-mails to be managed by a different provider. In contrast to other registrar and web hosting companies, we don't charge an extra fee to offer you the DNS management service.

Full DNS Management in Semi-dedicated Servers

With our Linux semi-dedicated servers, you are going to have total control over the records of every domain address or subdomain hosted within the account. Our cutting-edge Hepsia hosting CP features a simple-to-use tool, that'll make the creation and control over DNS records super easy even if you have little experience or you have never done such a thing before. It will require no more than a couple of clicks to create or change any sort of record - A, AAAA, MX, CNAME, SRV, TXT. In this way, you can pick the provider that you will use for a particular service, so you can have your web site here and the e-mails with a different provider or vice versa, direct your Internet domains to other domains, set up a VOIP service that runs on its own server or even multiple servers, etc. The DNS management option is available with every single semi-dedicated plan by default and at no extra cost.