If you wish to send emails using an email address with your personal domain name, you have to make sure that the company will provide you with usage of their SMTP server. The aforementioned is the software system which permits email messages to be sent out. SMTP is an abbreviation for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol and it handles all outbound emails from programs, webmail and contact web forms. When a message is sent out, the SMTP server confirms with the DNS servers globally where the emails for the receiving domain are managed and once it acquires this data, it connects into the remote POP/IMAP server to see if the recipient mailbox exists. In case it does, the SMTP server directs the message body and then the receiving server delivers it to the mail box where the recipient can open it up and read it. Without an SMTP server on your end, you won't be able to mail out emails at all.

SMTP Server in Shared Web Hosting

Our SMTP server is available to all clients who have a shared web hosting package with our company and it's an element of the standard set of services you will get whenever you sign up, not an extra upgrade. You will find the settings that you need to send out emails in the Emails section of the Hepsia Control Panel, which is included in the hosting packages, along with help articles that can show you how to set up an email address in the most common desktop and smart phone email clients step-by-step. You'll also find trouble shooting instructions with the most frequent difficulties and solutions if you are not able to send out e-mails for whatever reason. Using our services, you will be able to send out emails using any app or to use an online contact page form on your Internet site once you create an email address inside your account.

SMTP Server in Semi-dedicated Servers

All of our Linux semi-dedicated servers offer an SMTP server as standard, so you'll not have to pay anything extra or request access. You will be able to send out e-mail messages if you create a mailbox with one of your domain names in your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. Our detailed guides will highlight how one can create the email address in an email app and will assist you to resolve any issue if you can't send emails for whatever reason, as we have collected the most common problems you could experience along with their solutions in one place. If you have an email contact form of any kind on your website, all it takes to get it to work is to input the SMTP name along with your email. The semi-dedicated server packages are very powerful and they will help you send out a large number of e-mail messages, which makes them a great choice if you wish to send frequent newsletters to your visitors.